Monday, February 11, 2019

Alligator sun bathing party

About a dozen alligators lazily sunning themselves in the canal in the Everglades! I'm sure they would come alive in a split second if something tempting was waved in front of their snouts.... these beats are about 8 to 9 ft long and somewhere between 20 and 40 years old. Always worth checking around before you step out of the Airstream first thing in the morning!

Solar conversion

Big day for our Airstream as it is hand towed into Solar Tech's warehouse for the addition of solar panels, golf cart batteries and large 2 kw inverter! About four days of work....

Monday, February 4, 2019

Special tonight!

Every Sunday they fire up the smoker and stuff it full of ribs and chicken for several hours... got there too late twice so tonight I made sure we were early! Aside from that it was SuperBowl night so we got out before the rowdies took over!

Alaska photo gallery

Link to the complete Alaska photo album...

Saturday, February 2, 2019


Our anniversary always comes around when we are in KW and there is a huge choice of restaurants to pick from.... this is Café Solé where we had superb Hogfish fillets over Hollandaise. Much out of character we both had dessert, Zabayon for Margaret in the cocktail glass and a trio for my delight of creme brûlée, mini key lime pie and a pot of berries!