Got to give credit to the state of California for maintaining and managing this treasure on the hilltop. Having a reception center just off Route 1 and transferring folks to buses in organized tour groups for the long 25 minute ride up the steep 1,600 foot hill is probably the best way currently to handle the hordes of tourists.The tour guide was very knowledgeable and let her narrative be guided by questions rather than just unloading a ton of information. Loved the evening tour which runs for about two hours and covers all the main areas of interest, gardens, villas, pools, reception, dining, bedrooms, kitchens, study, offices, and lots more. I'd recommend this evening tour if you have the time and timetable - our tour started at 6:30 and we returned to the reception center at 9 pm. The tour was punctuated by local volunteers dressed up for the part as guests in the 1930's attired for the various activities host William Randolph Hearst had scheduled for his invitees from Hollywood, politics, sports and other walks of life. If you have a boatload of money there is no end to the impressive things you can do with it and Hearst Castle is a splendid example. Be sure to check the ceilings and walls and you will see entire churches or monasteries shipped over from Italy or Spain and adapted to this beautiful mansion. Also your guide will regale you with stories of the famous visitors and some of their antics! Oh to have been a fly on the wall....

Re-enactors welcome visitors to Hearst Castle
William Randolph Hearst's office!
The bedroom ante-room
The swimming pool at Hearst Castle
One of the main towers at the entrance to the Castle