Sunday, May 1, 2016

Region 3 Rallye Doswell VA

Night time at the Meadows Farm in Doswell Virginia where some 80 Airstreamers gather for a Wednesday to Sunday rallye full of interesting seminars and people. Followed in the footsteps of John Wilkes Booth who was captured and killed near here in Port Royal and enjoyed the outstanding hospitality of the Caroline County Chamber of Commerce and Port Royal and Bowling a Green museum folks! Took the Secretariat tour around our campground farm birthplace and training ground for this famous Triple Crown winner in the early 70's. Also learned protocol for flying the flag at night by adapting my inspection light! We traveled all of 40 miles to attend this Rallye - one of the closest participants! Downside weather was overcast and rained for the entire Rallye which was disappointing since it was 80F the day before it started. Spent lots of funds on final payment for our South West Adventure caravan starting in August, a new TST trailer tire pressure monitoring system and a three year subscription to SkyMed for emergency evacuation while traveling anywhere in the world!