Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Cruising day!

Left the Airstream at Hatteras and took the Tahoe over to Ocracoke, checked out the three camp sites for future trips, had a food truck lunch at Eduardo's (#1 Trip Advisor), walked the beach for an hour, enjoyed the wilderness and avoided the many flooded areas and highways. Nothing like a free 45 minute gentle ferry ride their and back again on a bright calm sunny day before 100 mph Joaquin arrives!

We had a baby!

Funny how our New York neighbors at Frisco Woods have a 15 foot Airstream called a Bambi - it looks like mother and baby! Quite honestly I don't know how I would manage in a 15 ft camper trailer!! It would be ugly!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Cape Hatteras campground

Cape Hatteras campground has become a lake after a deluge of rain for the last 10 days it has been evacuated and closed! Tried to check it out today for future visit reference!

Hatteras light relocated

Interesting visit to the lighthouse and the engineering story of its move 1/2 mile inland away from the receding coastline! Unbelievable you could lift up a structure of this size without fracturing or other damage!

Monday, September 28, 2015

The Atlantic Ocean

A vigorous storm blowing towards the beach causes foam and froth from the waves to be blown high up the shore. The sandpipers are having a wonderful time in the surf.

Lunar eclipse at Hatteras

Fast scudding clouds fleetingly blocked the view of the moon but around 10:20 pm the sky was relatively clear to observe the moon being incrementally then totally obscured by the earth - certainly a rare set of circumstances.

Ocean Waves NC

OBX Hatteras ocean side park with access to the beach through the dunes, a few pine trees and lots of vigorous winds this week at 20 to 30 knots.... Delayed arrival due to heavy rains and high winds. Route 12 is closed for flooding and sand drift further down towards Ocracoke.

A ban on damp towels!

Unilateral Declaration of Independence from damp towels! Installed an electric towel warmer replacing the simple towel rail... works only on shorepower and that's most of the time!! It's an indulgence... what can I say!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Trip completed!

Miles total: 3,150
Longest day: 825 miles
Baddeck NS: 8 days / 540 miles
Cornwall PEI: 7 days / 250 miles
Bar Harbor ME: 5 days / 200 miles
Lobsters consumed: 17

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Some habits last longer than others...

Fifty six years ago I went boarding school in the UK at King Edward's School Witley and became #26 - everything I owned had that number imprinted on it! One of many habits I picked up was Marmite on hot toast! A schoolboy off the menu supplementary indulgence! Till this very day I still indulge in my quick version of breakfast! Before leaving home base I bake two loaves using the Sullivan Street Bakery recipe, slice them and freeze it ready to be transferred to the Flying Cloud freezer - voila! You can't find bread like this on the road so bring it along!

Friday, September 11, 2015

Ready for the Road...

Onwards and upwards we are all hooked up and ready for the next stage from Canada to the US and back to Canada. The only way apart from two small rickety ferries is to re-enter the US at Calais, go east and cross back to Campobello Island at Lubec. It seems that US Customs and Border Protection are more interested in seizing unlabeled avocados and lemons rather than preventing 10 to 20 million illegals entering the country! Canada on the other hand is fiercely questioning the amount of alcohol on board and interrogating you on your inventory of firearms and mace. The total Tahoe and Airstream rig is 44 feet long and requires a detailed checklist of some 30 item by item review before departure making sure all systems are secure, switched off, switched on, dumped, tightened, stored away, locked up, retracted, plugged in, air pressure range, torque check and for the most part protected against the rough ride in the back. Most traveling days run anywhere from 150 to 300 miles but the haul back to Virginia may exceed 800 miles interrupted only by some quick snack and shut eye in a truck stop or rest area. Distinct advantage: you have your very own bathroom and cooking facilities anywhere you go!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Mandatory Cadillac Mountain visit

No we did not hike up the 1600 ft mountain, we drove up! Beautiful forest drive at a silent 20 mph with windows wide open and the smell of marine air tinged with occasional coniferous scents! A commanding viewpoint to check out all the cardinal points of Mount Desert Island. Note to self - avoid tourist spots when there is a cruise ship in harbor - especially one full of Deutschlanders!

Jordan Pond Trail

After a splendid lunch washed down with a Pilsner light beer at Jordan Pond House and waited on by exemplary Polish exchange students we set off along the Jordan Pond lakeside trail for a swift four mile hike to the north end of the lake and turned around at the suspension bridge and hiked back building a nice sweat cooled by the brisk ocean breeze off the water!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

West Quoddy Lighthouse, Campobello

This quaint and photogenic lighthouse attraction probably would not exist in the litigious United States! Three dangerous rusty ladders, scramble across seaweed encrusted rocks, precipices without barriers, swift tidal currents can leave you stranded, near vertical ladders in lighthouses! But this is Canada and common sense of the visitor governs what he attempts to do and it is deemed that the visitor is more than capable of making his own judgement that they know they have reached the limit of their human capabilities! Don't do this visit if you have vertigo, balance issues, don't feel comfortable on a ladder or scared of heights. Cost of the trip to the lighthouse $5 each. Cost to tour the lighthouse $10 each. Allow a couple of hours. Check tide tables very carefully as the lighthouse is not accessible four hours either side of high water. If you get stuck on the lighthouse island or the intermediate island you could have to wait eight hours before tides recede from the bars between the islands. The volunteers in the lighthouse are just wonderful and so excited at their $1 acquisition of this abandoned lighthouse which they have put their heart and soul into restoring - a brilliant job! 

Monday, September 7, 2015

Joys of camping!

What a miraculous piece of adaptive engineering the Airstream has become. This year's 2015 model has for the first time built in ductwork between the inner and outer shell allowing for a sophisticated distributed climate control system. A special design six mode thermostat allows for electric heat pump heating and air conditioning cooling modes, an automatic mode, propane fueled furnace heating when no electricity is available and fan only air circulation. Hot water is either heated by electric or by propane and for the "I need a hot shower now" mode fast response you can select both! Likewise fridge/freezer runs on electric or propane and switches between the two automatically. I have had the breaker pop when we had microwave,  computers and iPads on charge, fridge/freezer, toaster and espresso machine all going at once.... oh the joys of camping! - but we have come quite a long way since that ex-army tent with groundsheet in the 60's!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

FDR Summer Cottage

Defies the term cottage with 34 rooms! FDR spent almost all his formative childhood summers here with family and friends; unfortunately politics and contracting polio at 38 made visiting very difficult subsequently. A really special place overlooking the Bay of Fundy and Eastport away from the hot and humid summers on the East Coast....

Tea with Eleanor

Picture window view from the dining room at the Hubbard Cottage in the compound of the Franklin Delano Roosevelt summer home on Campobello Island. Splendid one hour English tea with Carolyn and Violet who entertained and informed us about the life of Eleanor Roosevelt and all her achievements!

Bedroom in the Forest

Early morning sun breaks through the pine and spruce forest canopy and sends light beams into our bedroom - all you have to do is open the curtains, grab a cup of coffee, enjoy the tranquil view and relax this morning!

Mulholland Point Lighthouse

Skipped dessert, paid the Fireside Restaurant bill and hoofed it speedily down to the lighthouse to watch sunset! The stretch of waters is about 300ft wide between Campobello Island, Canada and Lubec, Maine and a torrent of an outgoing ebb tide was sluicing through the gap probably 8 to 10 knots. We watched the 30+ seals in the stream picking off dinner as they maintained their position in the swift stream and just opened their jaws to repeatedly catch the fishy catch of the day!

Friday, September 4, 2015

Motor homes!

It's hard to grasp the relative size of some of these RV's - here we are parked back to back with a huge motor home that dwarfs our little 25ft Airstream! At Saint John, New Brunswick.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Dinner tonight...

Steaks grilled over the Japanese "Fire Sense" charcoal grill and then use the remaining embers for a couple of peaches with cream for dessert!

Greenwich Dunes trail..

You can't ask for a better two hour trail hike and get as much diverse environment! Estuary hugging paths across open wild flower fields, blue spruce, silver birch, balsam laurel forest paths, floating boardwalk bridge across a half mile inland lake with bullrushes and wildlife, next trek across the coastal dunes, and then arrive at the beautiful gulf of St Lawrence north beach with crashing waves. To the west you can see the parabolic moving dunes that shift gradually cross the landscape over time! Just one of the best walks on PEI.