Friday, September 11, 2015

Ready for the Road...

Onwards and upwards we are all hooked up and ready for the next stage from Canada to the US and back to Canada. The only way apart from two small rickety ferries is to re-enter the US at Calais, go east and cross back to Campobello Island at Lubec. It seems that US Customs and Border Protection are more interested in seizing unlabeled avocados and lemons rather than preventing 10 to 20 million illegals entering the country! Canada on the other hand is fiercely questioning the amount of alcohol on board and interrogating you on your inventory of firearms and mace. The total Tahoe and Airstream rig is 44 feet long and requires a detailed checklist of some 30 item by item review before departure making sure all systems are secure, switched off, switched on, dumped, tightened, stored away, locked up, retracted, plugged in, air pressure range, torque check and for the most part protected against the rough ride in the back. Most traveling days run anywhere from 150 to 300 miles but the haul back to Virginia may exceed 800 miles interrupted only by some quick snack and shut eye in a truck stop or rest area. Distinct advantage: you have your very own bathroom and cooking facilities anywhere you go!