Friday, October 13, 2017

Sinagua Indian Petroglyth Calendar

What an amazing understated and hidden gem the V-Bar-V ranch petroglyph site is! You can stand just a few feet from over a thousand petroglyphs and benefit from an expert volunteer park ranger who will entertain, interpret and educate you beyond belief. It was astounding to discover the native Indians had nailed the calendar functionality of the petroglyths on the rock face.  The carved symbols aligned with the sun shadow created by prominent pointer rocks lodged in a crevasse so that at certain times of the year the Sinagua Indians could keep track significant agricultural, social and astrological events - see first photo. It was a ten minute walk through the fields and trees to the site with a little shade on the way but the petroglyph site was well shaded and very rough terrain around the rocks – no State money has been spent on improving this site! Jeff the volunteer on the day we visited was exceptionally knowledgeable and obviously has a personal passion in this site – his wife was the receptionist at the ranger office as you came into the V-Bar-V site. This is a must not miss site but its only open 4 days a week. Our Golden Age National Parks senior pass provided free access.