Saturday, June 22, 2019


Quimby and I have been friends since high school in Hinsdale, Illinois.  We were maids of honor for each other's weddings- hers to Mark in 1970 and mine to David in Brighton, England in 1971.  They settled on Cape Cod, while we moved from England to Virginia.  We've all spent plenty of time on sailboats!  Mark built theirs- a real beauty!

Now, in retirement, we're enjoying all we've shared and catching up on all we missed.  What a special visit- meeting the neighbors, walking their land, unending stories!  They sent us off with unexpected treats- their own honey, a neighbor's maple syrup, and elk steak from another neighbor's annual hunting trip to Wyoming!  We brought Chesapeake Bay crab, Virginia peanuts, and almond cookies.  We'll be back next year!