Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Ingonish Middle Head Trail

One of the very best walks you can do in Nova Scotia!!! We drove to the Ingonish Keltic Lodge where the trail head is located, put on our hiking shoes for this trail since it is rocky and criss-crossed with numerous raised tree roots.  We chose this trail for its marine exposure and views, the relative short two hours round trip, and the slight change in elevation which is limited to 45 meters so no big hills! The great thing on this trail is the constantly changing environment from quiet forest floor dappled with sunlight one minute then the swift marine breeze wafting in from the ocean as the trail hugs the cliff top and the washing machine noise from the waves along the rocky shore. Splendid views at the end at the point overlooking north and south Ingonish bays. One of the best outdoor experience in return for our walking effort!